05 juin 2011

Yawn? Pandiculation? Ô Corneille! Ô Jack!

Trouvé chez Katie Geha cet extrait de Anne Waldman tiré de “How the Sestina (Yawn) Works”:
I really like to write poetry
it’s more fun than grass, acid, THC, methedrine
If I can’t write I start to yawn
and it’s time to sit back, watch television
see what’s happening to me personally:
war strike, starvation, revolution
This is a sample of my own revolution
taking the easy way out of poetry
I want it to hit you all personally
like a shot of extra-strong methedrine
so you’ll become your own television
Become your own yawn!
Et malgré un décalage voix / image, voici Anne il y a deux ans kicking en masse On the road...  

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